Monday, November 21, 2011

What age should I start to grow facial hair?

Im 16 and have hair in ... most other places lol but ot much on my face? wtf? when should it start to grow?What age should I start to grow facial hair?
it will happen when it happens, it sucks to have to shave all the time so enjoy it while you canWhat age should I start to grow facial hair?
Some guys just have quite sparse facial hair growth and you may just be one of them . At 16 you still have time to develop a faster rate of hair growth .
You mean when will it start growing , not when should i ?
when its ready to
If your a bloke, between 14 and 21.

If you are a lady, 40+
It depends on your genes and whether or not you start shaving...some guys can get away their entire lives with a little scruff on their chins.
i gt mine at 15
Usually about 18-20. Some men never get any, the Aztecs didn't and a lot of people in some regions of China don't.
some people take a while, I'm 25 and still don't have full facial hair
About 18
Well most have it at age 14 but boys can get it earlier.

When did your dad get his facial hair? It is mostly about genes really.

But I know a guy that didn't have hair until 29 so there is no way to know really, just wait =]
my mate didnt have facial hair til he was 18.

i started getting it at 13.

trust me, enjoy not having to shave every day while you can!
Anytime between the ages of 16 and 20. If you are very fair it may be later rather than earlier
depends what stage u r in puberty

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