I have facial acne for quite a long time and still having it. The most common acne I have is zit. I have at least 3 of them every morning. Because it is really uncomfortable going out with those on my face so I pop them every morning. Problem is after years of doing it, my facial skin is full of pits and scars. So if you know anyway to treat/avoid further pitted facial skin then please help me out. Thanks in advance!How to treat pitted facial skin and avoid further damage?
Don't pick them anymore. At this point you should see a dermatologist for advice and treatment.How to treat pitted facial skin and avoid further damage?
As far as preventing further damage, you need to go to a dermatologist to treat your active acne and you have to stop picking at it. To treat the current acne there are prescription medicines such as Retin-A that have proven to be extremely effective.
If prescription medicine is not the answer you are looking for there are also some alternatives which will help with the acne and some of the superficial scarring. Chemical peels such as alpha hydroxy acid or citric acid peels can be used to treat acne as well as help rejuvenate the skin. Chemical peels take off the surface layer of the skin and help cleanse the pores.
Concerning treatment of the pits and scars on your face there are a number of treatments available once the active acne is brought under control. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion can be used for superficial scarring but will not be as effective against deeper pits and scars. For these there are surgical procedures and dermal fillers that will help but the gold standard of the industry these days is laser treatment. More specifically fractional laser resurfacing such as the Fraxel laser from Reliant Technologies has been shon to be highly effective for treatment of acne scars. This route is not going to be cheap but it is the price of beauty I'm afraid.
First and most importantly, DON'T PICK ANYMORE! I know you've probably heard it a million times and...it's easier said than done. It IS important though, cuz you'll just continue to scar, it breaks the pimples underneath your skin spreads the bacteria and...causes more pimples. The VERY BEST treatment for the the acne, (in my opinion) is an Rx. cream or jel called ' RETIN A.' Retin A will not only clear up your face now but you can put it on the worse ones at night to dry them up, so you can avoid 'picking' the next day. This cream/jel will also help with healing previous scarring. If it's pretty severe, you'll probably have to look into lazier surgery, or professional dermabrasion procedures. As I said, this is a prescription so you'll have to go to your family Physician for it. Good thing is, you don't HAVE to go to a dermatologist right away. I'm not sure if you have insurance or not and these things can cost quite a bit of money. I would have to say that the 'Retin A' is WELL WORTH IT'S COST! If you're unable to afford this I'm sure you know of over the counter products that may work for you, like proactive or the generic form of it. There are also lots of things you can do to treat your skin more gently, like NOT PICKING, not scrubbing too hard (DO ex foliate once or twice a week though) or over washing your face. Just be more gentle, don't take your stress out on your face! Try not to focus a lot of time an energy worrying. Like I said before, use something to dry up the worse existing one's at night. Whatever you decide on, try to get the best product you can afford and BE PATIENT! Sometimes, good treatments seem to make the acne worse, before it gets better and people give up too early. RETIN A., is, in my opinion your BEST choice though, if you can get a Rx. for it. Don't forget... NO PICKING!
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